How to quickly enlarge your penis at home and how to use it?

The man surprised his girlfriend with a large penis

The pitfall of many men is the size of their dignity.

There are those who have many complexes in this regard and question themselves.

However, there is a way out of every situation, and if you have a problem with your penis size, you may want to work hard to resolve it.

Of course, you can work on yourself and accept yourself for who you are, but not everyone will succeed and not everyone will be happy with this opportunity.

Therefore, you can choose a more complex option - increase the tag to the desired size. But how to quickly enlarge your penis at home? Let's look at today's article.


The size of the penis you want to enlarge

Before starting any business, the question arises as to whether the desired result is a reality. Immediate enlargement of the penis is no exception.

Of course, everything is very individual and there can never be a clear answer to questions about health and changes in the body.

But if one person succeeds, there is a very high probability that the other will succeed.

Thosefactors on which the reality of the result depends:

  • the method of penis enlargement chosen;
  • knowledgeable attitude to the business and, most importantly, as emotional as possible;
  • accurate implementation of the necessary measures and recommendations related to the chosen method;
  • well, without wanting to go strong in this matter.

In such a delicate matterimportantfirst of alldon't hurt yourselfand choose a rational approach to the business.

Magnification methods

There are many ways, each with different levels of effectiveness, speed to get results, and cost.

Among the tried and tested methods used to change the size of the penis, the following are the most appropriate:

  • penis enlargement tablets;
  • gels, ointments;
  • you can magnify the member with splendor;
  • extension cord.

To understand how best to enlarge your penis, you must first understand itwhat each one represents. Let's take a closer look.

Gels and ointments

Learn how easy it is to enlarge your penis without mechanical intervention. At first glance, gels and ointments are the easiest and most innocuous way to adjust the size of your dignity, but this is not the case.

Given that the action is taking placeat the cellular levelusing a variety of components and materials, thenthe danger is greatmake a bad decision.

And to get to the hospital, to deal with the treatment and at least to restore it instead of resizing it.

Therefore, choose an ointment or gelnotethe following points:

  1. Complex. The main aspect that needs to be examined is both the sensitivity of each individual and the properties of the components in it. The materials must bemaximum natural origin, or is known to have a known effect, in the case of a synthesized chemical.

    Good gels contain substances such as Maca, Elastin, Goryanka, Thistle, amino acids and proteins.

    In general, anything that can somehow supplement the cellular structures of the body or trigger cell division by supplementing it with nutrients to avoid a lack of resources for the growth of tissue structures.

  2. Product quality, or rather its authenticity and compliance with the packaging. This is quite difficult to check while sitting at home and shopping online, but it is possible. Choose a trusted site and order a device. And it’s best to find a real store where there are similar products to choose from.

    Ask for a certificate, check its authenticity, check all the required stamps, registration numbers and the contact details of the organization issuing the certificate.

    For reliability, you can contact this organization to clarify the authenticity of the document.

It is not important in any waydo not buy the product out of hand or on dubious sitesand don’t follow low costs, it can run into fakes and have dire consequences.

How to quickly enlarge your penis at home with gels and ointments? You can get the result you wantafter one month of use, the method of which is indicated separately for each medicinal product.


There is a device called a pump to correct the size of the penis. We will learn how to quickly enlarge my penis with the help of such a drug.

You can guess how it works by name. Existstwo kindsuch a device:

  • air pump;
  • water pump.

As the name suggests, the former works because of air pressure, the latter - water.

Pump available at any sex shopinadequateto enlarge your penis, but only to create or strengthen an erection for a while. Here we are talking about special pumps that are priced right.

Male penis enlargement pump

The pumps work becausecreate a special pressure levelwhich affects the penis.

This effect increases blood flow and all the processes in the organ that contribute to growth. No contraindications have been identified for the use of such devices.

Used pumpenoughsimply. It is applied to the penis and lubricated with a special tool that is usually offered in the kit. The pressure is set and this device is worn for the time required for the procedure and then removed.

Consider the followingshades during the procedure:

  • strictly adhere to the time of one of the meetings;
  • adhere to the recommended pressure;
  • if you feel that it is possible and longer than necessary to be with a pump, it should be divided into several approaches, but for a shorter period of time;
  • do not use the pump without special tools.

When using a pump, you should know that due to its operating principle,the penis will get biggeras the length increases. Thickening and enlargement of the penis does not occur quickly. With regular use, the width increases by 2-3 cm and its length increases to 5 cm in six months.

So how do you quickly increase your membership? Pay attention to the next section.

Extender to increase penis size in 3 months


Using an Extender can promise resultsin three monthsafter starting regular quality procedures.

These should be performed strictly as described in the instructions for use.

The most important shade to rely on when using such a toolthere is no pain during the procedure. The only thing that is not harmful to the penis is a mild discomfort and an unusual feeling in the penis.

Under no circumstances should you perform manipulations to enlarge your penis to the detriment of your health. If acute pain occurs, stop the procedure and avoid it.

It is advisable to wear the devicemany times a day, broken down by duration into small seats. The break can last from 15 minutes to several hours.

If possible, it is best to do thisat different times of the daytwo hours. It is very important that you do not exceed the permissible standards for wearing the appliance.

Penis enlargement exercises

There are many practices for enlarging the penis, ranging from stretching the cavernous bodies of the phallic tissues to jelqing. Even banal masturbation, like any other physical activity, definitely brings results.

The duration of the result depends on the general condition of the body., the choice of specific practical technique and the regularity of performance. This can vary from several weeks to several months.

In this regard, it is important not to overdo the burden and not to seek an early increase in the intensity of implementation. It is worth noting that the result should be preserved.

A man looks at his penis, wants to increase its size

Penis enlargement during intercourse

Penis enlargement occurs in principle independently in the presence of an excitation object, but there are ways to do thisartificially.

For such tripsattributable to:

  • Pumps sold in sex shops;
  • special medicines in the form of tablets and sprays;
  • special rings.

Starting to enlarge your penisworth rememberingthat it is not just size that determines feelings during intercourse. The size of the penis is no substitute for the power of desire, excitement, or the ability to get pleasure, much less feelings.

Before quickly enlarging your penis, it is still advisable to think about the advisability of such an event and, most importantly, not to be disappointed after achieving the dignity you want.

If you are determined to enlarge your penis, you can choose the most suitable tool for yourself.